Every year at Monterey Church we stretch our faith by making a sacrificial offering that is ABOVE & BEYOND our normal giving. We make this end-of-year investment as an expression of gratitude for the many ways God has shown up in our lives, and to ensure that more people will connect with Jesus through the Church and ministry partners with whom we are connected.


Instead of a goal for a specific dollar amount, our prayer is that EVERYONE who calls Monterey Church home would participate according to God’s unique leading in each of our lives. Monterey Church isn't built on the gifts and talents of a few, but on the sacrifices of many! (Malachi 3:10)

How can I participate?

1. PRAY Specifically

Would you prayerfully consider the opportunity to give, and pray specifically about how God is calling you to invest in his Kingdom through the church?

2. PLAN Intentionally

Sometimes generosity is not spontaneous, but intentional. The Bible teaches that all of our resources ultimately belong to God (Psalm 24:1), and God entrusts his wealth to us to accomplish his purposes (Matthew 25:14-30). During this time of year, we often spend the money God has entrusted to us without planning for what is most important. Would you consider being intentional to prioritize and budget according to how you sense God is calling you to invest through His church?

3. GIVE Sacrificially

God’s word tells us that, it’s not the size of our gift that matters most —it's the size of our sacrifice! (Luke 21:1-4) Giving sacrificially looks different for each one of us. A motivation that our God and His Church is worthy of our best gifts is what God desires from his followers, and Jesus tells us our heart and actions with this are inseperably intertwined. (Matthew 6:21) Would you consider making a sacrificial gift?

where is it going?

Ending 2023 Well

Ensuring that we would close 2023 in the black. This past year’s pastoral and staff transitions, our landlord’s demand for COVID back rent, and increases in utility and insurance expenses have created a deficit.

Serving Others

Our brothers and sisters at The Mission in Tecate, Mexico need our help. A fire destroyed their church/office/housing building, and we feel led to give a significant gift to help them rebuild!

Starting 2024 Strong

By starting 2024 on a strong foundation financially, we will be positioned to fuel our ministries to reach more people in our city, nation and globally with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are excited to take new steps in this mission in 2024!

I'm ready to give.

leland@monterey.church if you have questions about giving, the Above & Beyond offering or for more detailed financial reporting. The Above & Beyond offering ends December 31, 2023, and all contributions to that fund made after that date will be attributed to the church’s general operating activities.