We are eager to share our hope. Just as Jesus warmly, personally, and sacrificially welcomes each person to Himself, we aspire to emulate His example in love and hospitality. We invest deeply in relationships with people who don’t know Christ, and remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings to help others take steps forward in their journey of faith. (Romans 10:13-14, 1 Peter 4:8-9)
We practice what is preached. We understand that while knowledge of God’s truth is necessary for change, it must move from our minds into what we do with our bodies. Therefore, we are committed to personally applying and obeying what we learn, courageously taking steps of faith, and developing a fixed structure of rhythms and practices (e.g. prayer, fasting, Sabbath) that keep us close to God (“Rule of Life”). (Matthew 7:24-27, James 1:22, John 15:5)
We serve holistically. We care for people and communities near and far who are in need of mercy, justice, and healing. Following Jesus’ model, we strive to meet both the spiritual and physical needs of people by bringing real and creative solutions in order to show God’s care for them, and to point people to their ultimate need for a Savior. (Matthew 9:5-6, John 20:30-31, 1 John 3:16-18)
We are people launchers. We enthusiastically embrace the opportunities of our unique setting by proactively and strategically welcoming people in, building them up and sending them out to our community (and the world) according to their unique gifts and callings. (2 Corinthians 5:14-20, Ephesians 2:10, 4:11-16)
We do life together. We thrive when we engage God’s mission as a community. Therefore, we are committed to building friendships that encourage growth in Christ and service in the world. We value authenticity and vulnerability in our relationships with one another. We lean into hard conversations and take the first step in seeking forgiveness and reconciliation when necessary, trusting that the Gospel is enough to bind us together. (John 17:20-23, Hebrews 10:24, Ephesians 4:32, Proverbs 27:17)